외국어 교육프로그램 ㅣ 외국어특강 수강신청

  • 외국어 교육프로그램
  • 외국어특강 수강신청
  • 수강신청하기

과정 개요

  • 수강신청은 회원가입 후 로그인을 하셔야 신청가능합니다.
  • 수강신청이 완료 되었더라도 상황에 따라 과정이 취소 및 변경될 수 있습니다.
  • 취소 및 환불정책을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
교육과정 2024년 5차 2024학년도 5차 외국어특강
대면/비대면 대면-오프라인교육 
과목구분 영어회화  단계 중급(8)
과목명 중급 Intensive 2 영어회화
접수기간 2024-10-21 ~ 2024-11-07  교육기간 2024-11-04 ~ 2024-12-14
분반 교육비 129,000원
강의요일 월화수목금 강의시간 07:50 ~ 08:40
강의실 303호 교육정원 15명
교육일수 30 일 총 교육시간 30 시간


담당교수 Michael Hughes 
교수이력 Position: Visiting Professor
I grew up in New Jersey outside of Philadelphia.
I lived in New England, California, North Carolina, and a few other places.

Experience at CNU: 2008-2011 / 2017- present
Degrees: BA and MA
Certificates: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Global Studies
CELTA by Cambridge Assessment English
(Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults)

Teaching Interests: My main interest is helping English language learners achieve their goals. My classes focus on having better conversations, improving listening skills, building more robust vocabularies, improving pronunciation, giving presentations, understanding cultural differences, writing for academic purposes, and many other areas.

Hobbies: My hobbies include reading, writing, watching interesting films, and learning more about the English language and of course the Korean language.

I enjoy spending time with family, friends, and my dog. I love traveling to new places, exploring the outdoors, staying active, backpacking, hiking up mountains, biking and walking long distances, swimming, watersports, and staying curious about the world. I even enjoy baking, cooking, and of course eating scrumptious food.

There isn’t much I don’t like. Just ask!


교재정보 Handouts 

과정 설명

교육목표 Course Outcomes
After this course, you should:
1. be able to use and understand common idioms and expressions.
2. have improved your English pronunciation, speaking, and listening skills.
3. have enhanced your ability to communicate with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
4. have expanded your vocabulary for greater effectiveness in different situations.
5. be able to understand and correctly use verb tenses in everyday conversations.

Attendance: Students must not miss more than six classes if they intend to pass the level.

교육특징 Overview
This Intensive 2 class is designed for intermediate to advanced students aiming to express themselves better through small group discussions, whole class discussions, informal mini-presentations, and listening exercises. The goal is to enhance your conversation skills, boost your vocabulary, and improve fluency. Additionally, this course will strengthen your confidence when speaking and communicating in English.

The course requires participation during each class, so come ready to speak.

Please be respectful of points of view that differ from yours.

Let’s learn together and have fun as we get to know each other over the next six weeks.



We will discuss current events and student-chosen topics daily. Throughout the course, class members will select subjects of interest for discussion. The topics will be different from Intensive 1. 


Class Structure 

This class meets 30 times and starts at 7:50 am.


Greeting and Warm-Up (5-10 minutes)

Presentation of the Topic by teacher and or student (5-10 minutes)

Group Discussion (15-20 minutes)

Class Discussion (10-15 minutes)

Vocabulary and Expressions (5-10 minutes)

Wrap-Up and Feedback (5 minutes)

영어회화를 처음 수강하시는 수강생께서는 영어회화 왕초보, 영어회화 Starter 1부터 수강신청이 가능합니다.
더 높은 레벨의 수업을 듣고자 하시는 분들은 전 단계 수업을 먼저 들으시거나, 레벨테스트를 통과해야 합니다.

레벨 순서 : 왕초보 → Starter1 → Starter2 → Intensive1(초급) → Intensive2(중급) → Master1(고급) → Master2(심화)

목록으로 수강신청